Deň / Dátum / Čas

nedeľa / 17.11.2024 / 19:00 - 21:00


Ceremony guided by Ricardo Goni (Mexico),Mexican Medicine Man. Mayan traditions.

In 2012 Ricardo started a Peace Journey with the blessing of the Mayan Counsel, walking with Juan Carlos Reyes around Mexico, Ricardo continued the Peace Journey to South America, expanding Ancestral Traditions in Europe and now Asia.

If you are walking a path into love by healing old wounds, this is a ceremony which connects you with love , kindness and forgiveness, with others and with yourself.

This ceremony is for you if you are looking to:

  • Realign with the intelligence and wisdom of the heart.
  • Recognize what is stagnant and heal it.
  • Accelerate and activate your self awareness.
  • Let go and heal that which no longer serves you.
  • Having a clearer mind. increasing focus and alertness, immune system as well.
  • Increase and regulate your sexual energy, reduce stress levels.
  • Increase your energy and enthusiasm by being in a higher mood.
  • And for all those people who wish to activate the wisdom of the heart to heal it and expand it in a loving vibration, to follow our soul purpose!



This Ceremonial Cacao is  a native seed from México (it was used by Aztecs, Mayans and the ancient cultures of Latin America), that contains the balance of components and ideal energies that stimulate that union of the spirit and the vibration of the heart.

Cacao contains chromium, magnesium, iron, caffeine, Phenethylamine, Anandamide,Tryptophan, Serotonin, Theobromine, Antioxidants, Manganese and Zinc.

It heats and activates a very special and loving frequency in each person. Acts at very subtle and deep levels. The spirit of CACAO allows you to harmonize emotionally and spiritually what you need, without the intervention of the mind. You will let go of that which does not serve you and you will process in a profound way that transformation and change that you need.



Comfortable clothes and a bottle of water. Those who attend please eat a good breakfast and not eat two hours before the ceremony. Avoid coffee during the day, if you can it is recommended. Drink herbal tea without caffeine and do not consume any other stimulants.


NOTE: if you are nuts allergic or taking antidepressants, if you have or had a psychiatric condition this experience is not suitable for you.

Tickets are not refundable, you can change the participant’s name, please let us know in advance.

You are invited to a very unique experience, an ancestral ceremony, generations of knowledge from local traditions in Latin-America will be present, please show respect by not taking pictures, video or replicating any part of this ceremony if you haven’t ask permission (in the physical realm) to the elders of the Mayan traditions.


DAY: 17.11. 2024, nedeľa
TIME: 19:00 – 21:00
PRICE: 25 Euros/ 30 Euros at the door ((you need to confirm availability of space with Yoga House)
GUIDE: Ricardo Goni
